Wednesday, October 6, 2010


I was reading a blog post this morning that asked about putting makeup on children. It made me remember how crazy I used to be over every little thing and reminded me how grateful I am that I can just let the little things go. The poor first born gets all the anxiety of being a new parent… what if this one little thing I did or didn’t do screws them up forever? 

It’s not that I don’t care anymore, it’s just there are things that matter now and things that just don’t. I pick my “battles” carefully, with children and in life. My time is valuable and I don’t choose to spend it being stressed out and aggravated about the ‘what ifs’- it’s liberating.

It isn’t that I no longer make mistakes. I do- a LOT of them. I can just forgive others and myself more freely now and accept that I’m not perfect and I don’t know everything, as a parent or a person. 


  1. I have accepted that I have screwed them up and am just trying to minimize the damage.

  2. Oh yes, I know they'll need counseling... but we all do, so it's all about what kind of damage.
